On the dangers of minimalism in web applications

I prefer to keep things simple. I like the feel of Sinatra in Ruby or Bottle in Python. A request comes in, it matches a route, you do some work, and send the response back. Simple and easy to follow. Nothing is hidden, everything is right there.

I use the Phoenix because it is the canonical web framework in Elixir, and a lot of useful libraries are designed for it (site_encrypt, phx_gen_auth etc.). Phoenix often feels a bit complicated for what I am trying to do, so when I can I like to opt go for a more Sinatra feel of matching a route and had crafting a response.

I recently decided to create an application to host my blog articles using this minimalist approach. In the process I introduced a vulnerability – see if you notice it.

Minimalist approach

Hosting my blog is very basic, when a request comes in, send a html file back. How can I do this the simplest way possible? When a request comes into my router, invoke a controller action that returns the requested blog article.

I added this line to my router.ex file:

get "/blog/:url", PageController, :blog

In my page controller, I added the blog function. It gets the url from the request, checks if the requested file exists in priv/static/blog/ and if it does, it sends the file back to the user. If it does not exist I send back a helpful message:

  def blog(conn, params) do
    path = Path.join([Application.app_dir(:my_app, "priv/static/blog/"), params["url"]])

    if File.exists?(path) do
      |> put_resp_header("content-type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
      |> Plug.Conn.send_file(200, path)
      |> put_resp_header("content-type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
      |> Plug.Conn.send_resp(200, "Does not exist")

Did you see the vulnerability? Neither did I. Until one night I was lying awake in bed, turning the design over in my head. What if the request in the URL was for other files in the blog directory - that shouldn’t matter too much, I should only store blog articles in there.

What if the request tried to get a file from a parent directory? I got up to give it a try. I put a file called hidden.txt in the parent directory, then tried to navigate to:


Nothing. Great, nothing to worry about. Then I noticed in the console the URL parameter was “hidden.txt” - no mention of “../“, which was curious. Perhaps the web browser is discarding the “../“.

I tried replacing the “/“ with URL encoded equivalent of “%2F”:


It worked! The contents of the file were displayed in the browser. Ok, I could see a file in the parent, but could I see files outside the application:


Oh dear! There was the contents of my /etc/passwd file in my web browser…

This is known as a path traversal vulnerability. Ten points if you spotted it.

I wonder if how Phoenix serves static assets is susceptible to the same vulnerability. Nope, plug.static checks for invalid URLs here, so Phoenix is safe.

Simpler approach

Phoenix has solved this issue for it’s static assets. Hang on a second, my blog is a static asset. It isn’t dynamic. Maybe I could get away with removing the above code and just adding the word ‘blog’ to the config of Plug.Static in the endpoint.ex file:

    only: ~w(blog assets fonts images favicon.ico robots.txt)

Adding one word - hard to get much simpler than that.


Trying to break your own applications is a great way to learn about security.

People with decades of experience have poured their hard won knowledge into the popular web frameworks (Phoenix, Rails, Django, Laravel etc.). Straying from the ordained way in pursuit of simplicity can be counter productive if you introduce other issues.